HDPD Club Events
Canvassing with HDPD
Canvassing with HDPD - aside from the opportunities to canvass with Chris Ochoa, HDPD is sponsoring our next general canvassing events on Sunday, October 13 and Saturday, October 26, from 9 to Noon, meeting at Mojave Vista Park, 16252 Burwood Avenue, adjacent to Mojave Vista Elementary School in Victorville. We will meet at a convenient picnic table for any training and to get materials and turf. CLICK HERE

Victorville Fall Festival - HDPD is again sponsoring a booth at the Victorville Fall Festival, Saturday, October 5th, 1-7pm. From the City's website: "The City of Victorville's Fall Festival offers a Street Fair experience designed for family entertainment and community involvement. The event takes place in front of City Hall along Civic Drive, 14343 Civic Drive, in Victorville. The festival features two stages of entertainment and musical performances; as well as food vendors, merchandise vendors, information booths from education and service organizations, Kids Zone attractions, and fun for the whole family. Free admission, parking, and Kids Zone!" Come out and visit HDPD at our booth! We plan to have a prize wheel this year, as well as information about our club and our Democratic candidates, who may also be popping by to greet the public and answer questions.
Phone Banking with HDPD
Phone Banking with HDPD - every Sunday from Noon to 2pm (hosted by Chris Ochoa) and every Monday from 6 - 8 pm (hosted by Litzi Perez) throughout the rest of this election season. Please signup for Sunday phone banks by CLICKING HERE and Monday phone banks by CLICKING HERE.

Loteria! A Celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month with HDPD! The HDPD Latino/Chicano Caucus and Assemblymember Juan Carrillo are proud to be hosting our 2nd Annual Lotería event on Sunday, October 13th, from 3:00 to 6:00 pm, at Tamaleria Mi Ranchito, in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month. The restaurant is located at 11452 Barlett Avenue, Adelanto. Lotería, or Mexican Bingo, has been played with dried beans, dried corn, or even coins, as markers for the colorful bingo sheets. Join us as we share an afternoon of prizes, tamales, and comradery. Unlimited rounds of Lotería with a complimentary drink of aguas frescos and tamale. Suggested donation of $10/person to support the club. All welcome to attend. Please RSVP by CLICKING HERE. Please see the flyer below.
LGBTQ+ History Ghoul's Brunch and Halloween Party! HDPD and St. Hilary's Episcopal Church are hosting a special special LGBTQ+ History Ghoul's Brunch and Halloween Party on Saturday, October 12th, 5:00 to 8:00 pm, at St. Hilary's Episcopal Church,11305 Hesperia Rd, Hesperia. Come enjoy the diversity of the High Desert LGBTQ+ community along with our allies and dress in your favorite Halloween costume...if you dare! This event includes: Spooky Socializing - connect with fellow members and allies of the LGBTQ+ Community - a space we are creating to come together, socialize, and build relationships. Eerie Education: Uncover the rich history of the LGBTQ+ rights movement. Frightful Festivities: Celebrate & howl at the moon with the vibrant diversity of the LGBTQ+ community in the High Desert. Make sure you bring our haunted dancing shoes to cut a mean rug. Potluck Style: We kindly invite you to contribute to our bewitching potluck spread. Please bring a main dish to share, light refreshments, or snacks. Prepare for a spook-tacular time!
RSVP: https://www.mobilize.us/2024yesshecancampaign/event/698186/

Women's Rally and Canvassing Event - our final event for this election season! HDPD is sponsoring a local Women’s Rally on Saturday, Nov. 2nd, from 9 – 10 am, at the Park and Ride located near the corner of Amargosa and Bear Valley Road. Please CLICK HERE to register. Following the rally, we will host our last canvass of the year from 10:00 am to Noon, in Victorville, followed by a celebratory lunch from Noon to 1:00 pm. Please see the flyer below for more information about our event. Additional information about other events like ours that are planned across our great nation can be found at womensmarch.com
HDPD's First Annual Blue Wave Harvest Fundraiser
When: Sunday, September 8, 2024, 4:00 - 7:00 PM
Where: Hesperia Golf and Country Club - 17970 Bangor Ave, Hesperia, CA 92345
RSVP and purchase tickets at: bit.ly/3yyYYoG
Join the High Desert Progressive Democrats for our first-ever fundraising event, our Blue Wave Harvest Fall Mixer.
Join us for an evening of delicious food, dancing, and mingling with your Electeds and Candidates! There will also be a Silent Auction.
Funds raised will allow us to supercharge our Be a Voter! Campaign going into the General Election, and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to local nonprofit, TAY, providing housing for transgender youth.
Purchase your tickets today as SEATS ARE LIMITED, or support as a Sponsor and get a shout out at the event, tickets to the event, and promotion on social media and in our program.
You are cordially invited to celebrate the diversity of the LGBT+ community in the High Desert!
Date: Saturday, April 13th, 2024 Time: 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Join us for an afternoon of:
Socializing and building relationships with fellow members and allies of the LGBT+ community.
Learning about the rich history of the LGBT+ rights movement.
Celebrating the vibrant diversity of the LGBT+ community in the High Desert.
Potluck Style:
We kindly invite you to contribute to a delicious potluck spread. Please bring a dish to share, light refreshments, or snacks.
Please RSVP by filling out the following form to help us plan accordingly.
4th Annual
High Desert Progressive Democrats
2024 Walk & Clean
Saturday, April 20, 2024
18395 CA-173, Hesperia CA
Bring water, sunscreen, and gloves is recommended
HDPD is sponsoring a DC Indictment Book Club Discussion of the third indictment of Donald J. Trump that was brought by Department of Justice Special Counsel, Jack Smith. This discussion will occur via Zoom on Tuesday, September 19th, from 6 to 8 pm. Our own California Senate District 23 Candidate, Kipp Mueller, will be on hand to answer your questions during this meeting. Mr. Mueller is a civil rights/labor attorney, a former DOJ attorney under the Obama administration, and eminently qualified to help us better understand this indictment.
Event Link: https://www.mobilize.us/cadems/event/576137/
Read the Indictment
We are requiring all participates to do some HOMEWORK prior to this meeting: please READ THE INDICTMENT before the event. This will allow us to be better prepared to listen, understand, and engage during this discussion in a meaningful manner. Further, we will learn how to talk to our neighbors about the indictment. If desired, please submit up to 2 questions prior to the event as part of your registration process.
Link: https://www.justice.gov/storage/US_v_Trump_23_cr_257.pdf